Thursday, 11 September 2014

How well do you know YouTubers?

What's up Nerdlings?

Today I'm taking the "How well do you know the YouTubers?" quiz because, to be honest, I think I know waaaaay too much about most of the popular YouTubers, and if you're reading this, then you do too.

What is Jim Chapman's real name?
James is Jim's real name. I think I remember Alfie or someone vlogging about it.

In 2014 which YouTube pair became roommates?
Literally 100% sure that the answer to this is Joe and Caspar. #JASPAR4EVA

What type of videos does Zoella make?
Zoe makes pretty much every type of video but that's not in the options so beauty videos.

What is Marcus Butler's "inner beauty gurus" name?
Definitely Margaret, everybody's favourite YouTuber.

In September 2014 how many subscribers does Felix (pewdiepie) have?
I actually looked at this yesterday so I'm sure, 30,000,000. That's a whole lot of nerds.

Who did Alfie Deyes get matched with in his YouTuber boyfriend quiz?
Tyler Oakley because he told a story about how Tyler and he kissed.

What are Felix and Marzia's pets called?
They're pugs called Edgar and Pugar aka the best pug names. (Btw I should get triple fabulous points
because of the extra information)

What movie has Zoella been in?
Harry Potter. Has anyone else YouTubed that to find her?

That's the end of the quiz and blog post guys! I got stalker status. I'll leave the link to the quiz for you to take and comment telling us what you got. And remember, being a stalker isn't bad. It's smart.
The quiz:

Allons y Nerdlings, and remember...

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