Tuesday, 9 September 2014

An Introduction

What's up Nerdlings!

And welcome to Nerds Unleashed, a website for us to share our unironic enthusiasm for television shows, books, films, and other such things. 
But, before we delve into the dark unknown depths of fandoms, you should probably get to know us a little better:

1. We're both huge fangirls, and love most things nerdy.
2. Our YouTube obsession is getting out of control.
3. Without television, we would be incomplete. 
4. We could not survive without internet, but probably could survive the apocalypse. 
5. Tyler Oakley is our queen.
6. Some may consider us as weird.
7. We are both proud to be in: House Stark, The A Team and Ravenclaw,
8. Food if our life
9. At times we're both pretty sarcastic.
10. We are both insane.

We're planning on posting blogs entries two or three times a week, about a whole array of different topics, varying from tags, reviews, photography, drawings, possibly vlogs. And anything else we feel we want to do!
Hopefully, this has persuaded you to continue checking our blog out for new posts, maybe even following, if not bye. Maybe even suggest some tags for us to do, or some television shows for us to watch, perhaps just a nice comment, or even critiques for us to improve. Anyway, that's all for now.

Allons y Nerdlings, and remember...

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