Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Doctor Who Tag

What's up Nerdlings?

Today I'm going to be doing the Doctor Who Tag. I looked up the questions from this, and found lots of different versions, so I've taken questions from each of the tags, and mashed them together to make my very on Doctor Who Tag, as well as adding my on. Let's get started shall we?

1. When did you first become a fan of Doctor Who?
I first started watching the show when it was revamped in 2005.

2. New, Classic or both?
Honestly, I'll have to go with the new series' of Doctor Who. I've watched, and own the Classic episodes of the show, but I haven't seen enough to class my self as a Classic Girl.

3. Favourite Doctor?
David Tennant has to be my favourite Doctor, but Christopher Eccleston is a close second.

4. Favourite Companion?
Sarah-Jane Smith is the Queen of Doctor Who companions, and always will be, but I also really liked Rose Tyler and Donna Noble.

5. Favourite non-travelling companion?
Easily Wilfred Mott, imagine having a Gramps like him.

6. Favourite Quote?
I have so many, but if I had to choose one it'd probably be "One day I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go on forward in your beliefs, and prove to me I am not mistaken in mine."

7. Favourite episode?
It's always been The Girl in the Fireplace, but I also like Doomsday, The Angels Taken Manhattan, and Silence in the Library. Midnight was good as well.

8. Favourite monster?
Obviously I'm going to say the Daleks, but I also really love the Clockwork Men, and the Weeping Angels.

9. Least favourite Doctor?
I can't choose my least favourite doctor, that's not fair. If I had to choose I've probably go with John Hurt, or Paul McGann as they did the least episodes. But I still loved them both. You can't make me choose, this quiz is Satanic.

10. Least favourite Companion
Martha Jones. She was the worst companion of the revamped series, and was basically a rebound for the Doctor, after Rose. Martha was boring, and had no back-bone. Definitely the worst in every single way.

11. Least favourite Episode?
The Doctor's Daughter had a pretty weak plot with nothing we haven't already seen on the show. I didn't enjoy Love & Monsters either, the reason why you should never run contests to allow children to create monsters for Doctor Who.

12. Least favourite Monster?
The Slitheen and the Abzorbaloff, they're the worst monsters I've ever seen on Doctor Who.

13. The most heart warming moment, that makes you cry the most?
Either the ending of The Angels Take Manhattan or the scene on Badwolf Bay in Doomsday where the Doctor and Rose Tyler have on of their last conversations.

14. If you met the Doctor, would you go with him?
Without a second thought.

15. If you did go with him, which companion would you be most like?

I think I'd be like Clara Oswald, I'd be smart, and curious, but wouldn't be afraid to slap the Doctor across the face when he was being an idiot.

Well, that's it for the Doctor Who Tag. I hoped you enjoyed the mash up of questions, and remember to follow us on Google+, keep checking out our site for more nerdy content, and leave suggestions in the comments below on what you'd like us to do next time.

Allons y Nerdlings, and remember...

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